Thursday, March 5, 2009

George Washington and the General's Dog (Step-Into-Reading, Step 3)

Boom! Bang! Guns fire! Cannons roar! George Washington is fighting in the American Revolution. He
sees a dog lost on the battlefield. Whose dog is it? How will it find its master? Early readers will be surprised to find out what happens in this little-known true story about Americas first president.
There is so much to this book than noted at first glance. First, we get a great dose of history told in a way children can understand it. Secondly, we learn some little known facts about our first president. Thirdly, we have animals, something neither kids nor adults can ever get enough of and fourthly, we get a story packed full of morals. But that is not all. The illustrations are very well executed and a delight. The text is simple an to the point and goes quite well with the illustrations. The book makes some very complicated situations and states them simply in a very nice story. I enjoy this one almost as much as the children do. This is a good work to read to the class as it generates good discussions. Recommend this one highly.
Customer Review: 6--Year-Old (and I) Loved It
My six-year-old son brought this title home from his school library. We read it together several times, and one night I found him meticulously copying a page from the book. My son hated to return the book, and I knew I had to buy it--for both of us! It tells a little-known story about Washington in a charming, beautifully illustrated manner that everyone (especially dog lovers) will love.

I've been a dog lover since I was born (at least I want to think so) but out of 27 years of my life so far, I've only had one and only dog. Kiky was her name. Hence, I am not a dog expert like Cesar Milan but I know Kiky had a great and happy life and I think any dogs should too.

Yes, all dogs may be different and sometimes you just can't avoid in giving them some tough love but most of the time the real way in loving your dog is in the essence of showing that you care deeply for them. They know it. Somehow.

Kiky was a Miniature Pinscher. When my family discovered her, she was already 1 year old. My family totally had no experience in taking care of dogs. We didn't really have any manuals too. But what I know for sure, my family has whole lot of love to give and my parents are pretty much a disciplinarian too. Love with discipline had apparently been the core foundation in providing Kiky what she needs to live for 14 years. Yes, it's still an amazing age for a small dog like her. We are forever grateful for her perseverance to live longer than she should.

I realize there's no one right way in loving your dogs. You may put her in an LV bag or just $1 cushion, they will love you as much. They do earn the title man's best friend. I think human can't do as good as them.

How to love your dog?
Love is the key in everything.
Love doesn't mean you are spoiling them and keep giving them what they want.
Loving dogs mean you care for them and you want them to be happy and in return you too are happy.
If by loving the dogs you are losing your sanity, then that is not love. You may be better off without it.

What I can say when it comes to my family is that we know we have given the best we could and Kiky knew just that too. We don't give her any dog food. She ate what we ate. But that didn't stop her from living more than 10 years. We didn't bathe her with dog shampoo, she used what we used. And she had beautiful hair all over her body, shiny and smooth, even till the second she died. She didn't sleep on the floor or outside the house, she slept with us on the bed and she still behaved really well and not stepping on top of our head and made us crazy with her behaviors. Yes, my family had broken almost all rules in "how to keep a pet" guidebook, but we were happy and we were all one big family, with Kiky.

I guess the key in loving your dog is to remember he/she is a being too. If your intention of having a pet is not for a practical purpose such as keeping someone out of your lawn, then you may consider he/she as part of your family. Just like bringing up a kid, you'd like him/her to be the best he/she can be. A balance of fun and discipline is always needed.

Love your dog like you love yourself and each other. You'll be surprised how you'll be treated and thanked for. Though dog can't speak with words but they sure can convey their gratitude even after they have moved on to the after-life. How do I know that? I know, cause after 3 years Kiky has gone, I feel her every single day. That's when you know you've loved your dog the right way.

Donna Daritan is a life learner and sharer. Constantly picking up lessons in life even in her own bathroom. She has a not-so-secret fetish on quotes and phrases that speak to her heart and religiously sharing it on her blog

To know more about Kiky her wonderful dog you may check out

10 Promises to My Dog -

dog collars

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

PAPILLON DVD! Includes Dog & Puppy Training Video

Pet Video Library Books on Video presents the PAPILLON.

This DVD contains Everything You Should Know about the breed and covers: History & Development - We'll take you through the early history of the PAPILLON. You'll learn the breed's origin and how they were used in the working world. Characteristics - Discover the behavioral characteristics and temperament of the PAPILLON. Grooming - Learn basic grooming skills that will keep your dog looking great for years to come. Nutrition - Maintain optimum health with this essential diet and exercise information. Health and Aging - Learn about the special attention and love needed to maintain the health and quality of life of your aging PAPILLON. Training Tips - Communicate properly with your dog using our helpful tips.

BONUS VIDEOS INCLUDED - This DVD includes INTERACTIVE BASIC OBEDIENCE with renowned Dog Behaviorist Shannon Holstein. She shows you how to quickly and easily teach your dog how to Sit, Stand, Come & Stay. Also included, - PUPPY PLAY DATE - Designed to stimulate and entertain dogs whether you are at home or away! Filled with K9 tested and approved sights and sounds, dogs can't take their eyes off Ozzy and his friends as they spend a sunny summer day romping around their favorite park. This Great Pet sitting video can play on continuous loop.

Search "Pet Video Library" under Amazon DVD for More Breed Specific and Training videos listed by Doggy DVD. Plays in All regions!
Customer Review: not great
Maybe I expected too much from this DVD, but I found it to be just OK, not great. It does contain some useful information and interesting facts, especially for the first time owner on the breed, but it could be so much more entertaining, considering that Papillon such fun high energy dog. It was a bit boring and incomplete.
Customer Review: Better w/o the music
I would of enjoyed this video alot more if the irritating music did not play the entire time. There were, however, alot of interesting facts, would of like to see more visuals on certain areas. And more visuals on other Papillons at different ages. But the bonus training video was and exceptional deal almost makes up for the other dog movie that was nothing but dog playing in a park, no knowledge shared on that one. All in all I was satisfied with my purchase and would recommend this video to anyone eager to learn more basic information about the papillon breed.

This past summer, staph nearly killed my dog, a big beautiful German Shepherd. It all started a few hours after we picked him up following a three night stay in the kennel.

When we arrived home, he was reluctant to jump out of the car. It is a long way down.. But eventually he did, wobbling as he climbed the steps into the kitchen. From then on it was a slippery slope. He slept and slept and slept, showing no interest in anything. The only thing he did to was lick his back right paw a lot. I called the kennel. The person who had cared for him had gone for the day. Again, I examined his paw but saw nothing. I called the vet but the office was closed for the weekend.

That evening, he ate a few biscuits and managed a short walk.. The next morning, the kennel phoned to say the person who cared for him noticed he hadn't eaten his breakfast. I told them about his paw and they suggested warm compresses which I tried, with 15 minute applications all morning. Gradually something started to protrude. Several hours later, a hard bit of tissue about the size and shape of a pencil eraser popped out. We thought our troubles were over. We were wrong.

As the day wore on, Big Dog remained listless, disinterested in eating or moving. The only thing he did was drink water. We left him with his water bowl full and went out for some supper. When we returned, he hadn't had a drop and didn't get up to greet us. In fact he didn't have strength to move or lift his head..

We had to carry him into the SUV. At the emergency animal hospital, blood samples were looked at and treatment, an antibiotic was started. His temperature was found to be 105'. This was 11PM.

The next morning, his temperature was unchanged. A different antibiotic was tried and blood samples sent to a lab for analysis. Although intermittently his temperature would go down, it wouldn't take long before it went back up again. Finally, a third antibiotic was tried, as we awaited results of the lab's attempt to find an antibiotic that could be effective against his particular strain of staphylococcus. .

They found one. We brought him home to continue the medication for six weeks, trying to get him back to normal. Our gentle giant couldn't climb up or down the steps to go in or out of the house. He couldn't run. He had to be lifted into the car. All he seemed to do was sleep.

But slowly over the six weeks, his strength began to return. And now, a full three months after the whole thing started, we have Big Dog back, jumping easily onto the passenger seat, almost flying through the air after sticks, and devouring each meal as though he'd never eaten. It seems like a miracle.

2007,Ruth Graham

You can see him on

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dog collar

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sydney Love Cats & Dogs Satchel

The Sydney Love Cats Dogs Satchel is uniquely designed in a lightweight fabric, beautiful trim and makes a fashion statement all its own.

As we all know, training dogs has never been easy. If not for the tools that we use in dog training we may have gone nowhere and probably rats became man's best friend. As a dog lover, I actually shudder at the thought. And if that were the case, then there would never have been a domesticated dog and they would all be in the wilderness living like wolves. Thank God for the training tools.

One of these tools happens to be the Dog Training Treats, also known as doggie treats but for this purpose, are to be used as a training tool. Using dog training treats is also known as the reward method in dog training. Training treats are very effective in the learning phase of the training.

A pat on the head may be sufficient for some dogs who has shown good behavior, other dogs may need a little incentive to consistently respond to our commands. Treats thus become an excellent way to reinforce desired behavior if they are used properly.

Using dog training treats is one of the most positive and encouraging ways to train your dog to behave in an acceptable manner. This is a better alternative to other training methods that use violence and physical punishment. The dog training treats method is used together with a lot of praising for something the dog has learned and done well.

Using training treats also gives your dog something to look forward to during these training sessions. They are always happy to receive these treats from you and they don't even know it's a learning process.

It is important to note that in using training treats the reward must be given to the dog immediately. Otherwise the dog might believe that it is being rewarded for another thing that he has done rather than the behavior that we want rewarded.

Consistency should also be practiced by the owner and all members of the family that interact with the dog. The same commands should be used by all so as not to cause the dog some confusion. It also means that we should reward the desired behavior and not the unwanted ones.

For the dog training treats to be fully effective, always use treats that your dog really likes. Something enticing and irresistible to him. It should be small and soft, something that he could gulp down immediately. Something from your refrigerator can be used as treats like small pieces of hotdog, cheese, cooked chicken and beef have proven effective. While others prefer to purchase small soft commercial dog treats that are readily available.

Most dogs prefer the food treats but some of them respond to toy treats rather than the former. In the same way, give your dog their favorite toy every time he has done good in the training process.

There are two ways in using training treats. First as a reward for a desired behavior, and second as a motivator, in the class of the carrot and stick method, to induce a certain behavior.

Using training treats is an enjoyable learning experience for the dog and his owner/trainer. But full knowledge of using training treats is essential. If used in an improper way, the dog might develop some unwanted traits like always expecting treats before doing something desirable or even begging.

Dog training treats is an important tool in training. It also strengthens the bond between the owner and pet more than any other training method because it is not based on fear. Trust and respect grows between them and the experience is something that cannot be forgotten easily. Training treats make the training process fun for both dog and owner simply because the dog gets a reward and the owner gets so much satisfaction in getting the desired behavior from the pet.

As pet lovers, we all know that, that feeling is priceless.

Scott Williams is a freelance copywriter with a special interest in pets and an expert in dog training. Also a constant traveler and a good source of information where to get cheap tickets.

pet dog

Monday, March 2, 2009

Halo Fleece SleepSack - Dog Print

Positive rewards techniques can be used for many types of dog training. In fact this technique is used to train some of the hardest working and most dependable dog breeds, such as police dogs and military dogs. This sensitive training is also used to train dogs who work on TV and in film. And it is also an effective way to teach your small breed dog basic house rules.

The positive rewards technique is simple. When your dog does something you approve of, you reward them with positive reinforcement; including lots of love and affection as well as with dog treats.

Using a pocket full of treats and having lots of loving affection ready to shower on your dog is an excellent way to teach simple training commands, such as sit, stay and come.

Your dog lives to please you. Hes trying desperately to figure out what you like and what makes you happy. As soon as he makes the connection with what you are saying and what he is supposed to do, he will do it so that he can enjoy the love and affection you give him.

Your small breed dog is more likely to be not only more sensitive than a large breed dog, but is also more likely to be more anxious and nervous about being harmed. This fear can sometimes translate into aggressive behavior in the small breed dog. This is why it is imperative that the small breed dog owner instill confidence in the dog that the owner is not only dominant and in control, but is also going to protect the dog from harm.

A small breed dog is more nervous around small children or crowds of people because it is the dogs natural defense mechanism to want to protect its tiny frame from the harm of lots of feet or rough play.

Your small breed dog should be properly socialized from the time that he is a puppy so that he is used to being around other people and other animals. A small breed dog may think of himself as a pit bull. He can sometimes think that it is his job to protect you from harm. Make sure you teach your dog, early on, that you are in control and are not in need of his protection.

Mirjam shows people how to deal with dog behavioral problems by offering advice on dog training and other topics.

dog breed

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Military Police Swat K9 K-9 Rottweiler Dog Embroidered iron on Patch

Is raw dog food the best solution? There is no one best solution. Canned foods are mostly water, essential fatty acids and enzymes are destroyed during high cooking processes. Semi-moist foods with their high shelf life, have the most amounts of additives, and preservatives. And are lacking in essential nutrients and are thus the most dangerous.

Is raw dog food better then kibble, most believe so. If you feed kibble, then it is in the best interest for you and your dog to find the best kibble out there. Stay away from extruded and go for the baked foods. Then you can always supplement it with some meat, raw bone, eggs, cottage cheese, veggies and fruits.

With raw dog food you do not have to be concerned about: by-products, beet pulp, cellulose (indigestible plant fiber - sawdust), soybean meal (which is not processed effectively by dogs or cats), fats that are unidentified, rendered or rancid, fish that is not fit for human consumption or parts of the fish which will be lacking in Omega 3 fatty acids, BHT, BHA, Ethoxyquin, artificial colors red #40 and yellow #5 and excessive grains. Stay away from these ingredients.

If your kibble says "meat", which most people prefer, that means it was weighed raw and thus after processing into meal, the percentages will be less then stated as in the raw "meat" listed first. If it is says "meal" percentages will be more accurate, but it better be made from human quality meats and not by products, beaks, feathers, feet, etc.

To upgrade from kibble there are dehydrated foods that have vitamins, minerals, enzymes and all you add is meat and other proteins sources plus veggies and fruits. Then you have raw dog food that needs to be balanced with meat, bones, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, supplements, omega fatty acids, and enzymes.

Instead of a raw dog food diet, some prefer to cook the food for their dog to make veggies more easily digestible, meats safer because of parasites and diseases. With either raw or cooked use quality meat or fish products. Do not feed cooked bone it is un-digestible and dangerous as are most commercial dog foods.

To find out more about Raw Dog Foods check out our Free Teleseminar/Webinars and get Tracy Lenderink's Free Ebook "Discover The Simple Dog Training Secrets Of A Pro" which has to do with leadership and communication.

Tracy Lenderink, has had a love and passion with special communication with dogs all her life. Tracy has spent over 40 years as an Animal Behaviorist, Trainer, and Seminar Speaker assisting pet owners with their problem and issues. It has been said of Tracy that she is a "Master in Creating a Bridge of Knowledge Between the Animal and Human Spirit."

dog food