Monday, March 2, 2009

Halo Fleece SleepSack - Dog Print

Positive rewards techniques can be used for many types of dog training. In fact this technique is used to train some of the hardest working and most dependable dog breeds, such as police dogs and military dogs. This sensitive training is also used to train dogs who work on TV and in film. And it is also an effective way to teach your small breed dog basic house rules.

The positive rewards technique is simple. When your dog does something you approve of, you reward them with positive reinforcement; including lots of love and affection as well as with dog treats.

Using a pocket full of treats and having lots of loving affection ready to shower on your dog is an excellent way to teach simple training commands, such as sit, stay and come.

Your dog lives to please you. Hes trying desperately to figure out what you like and what makes you happy. As soon as he makes the connection with what you are saying and what he is supposed to do, he will do it so that he can enjoy the love and affection you give him.

Your small breed dog is more likely to be not only more sensitive than a large breed dog, but is also more likely to be more anxious and nervous about being harmed. This fear can sometimes translate into aggressive behavior in the small breed dog. This is why it is imperative that the small breed dog owner instill confidence in the dog that the owner is not only dominant and in control, but is also going to protect the dog from harm.

A small breed dog is more nervous around small children or crowds of people because it is the dogs natural defense mechanism to want to protect its tiny frame from the harm of lots of feet or rough play.

Your small breed dog should be properly socialized from the time that he is a puppy so that he is used to being around other people and other animals. A small breed dog may think of himself as a pit bull. He can sometimes think that it is his job to protect you from harm. Make sure you teach your dog, early on, that you are in control and are not in need of his protection.

Mirjam shows people how to deal with dog behavioral problems by offering advice on dog training and other topics.

dog breed